Alpha Quest Youth Mentoring Program
June 1, 2020Maywood Census Support
August 30, 2020Greetings,
In our collective response to the killings of Michael Brown, Alton Sterling, Botham Jean, Sandra Bland, Philando Castile, Laquan McDonald, Ahmad Arbery, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Rayshard Brooks and countless others, we are beyond sad, angry, incensed and frustrated. We are tired! Tired of the aggressive manner police have dealt with our black and brown brothers and sisters. Tired of the ineffective policies and legal loopholes that allow evil, vicious and venomous people to hide behind a uniform and badge and become judges, juries and executioners among those they encounter in our communities.
Under the leadership of our General President Everett Ward, PhD, our call to action is in lock step with the “Urgency of Now”. We as Alpha Men are called to advocate for and serve in our communities. Know and understand that we firmly and adamantly believe that every human being is worthy of compassion, consideration, fairness and human decency. However, we cannot and will not stand idly by and continue to watch our black and brown brothers and sisters be victimized by the excessive and deadly force administered by some members of law enforcement in our communities.
Our hearts and prayers go out to each and every family that has been negatively impacted. We are committed to not only having our voices be heard, but our actions of service and advocacy make a positive impact. We strive to improve the interactions between law enforcement and members of our communities through strategic collaborations between ourselves and our fellow members in law enforcement, government and the community at-large.
Brother Wonderful Watson, CPA
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
President – Rho Zeta Lambda Chapter